Online Enrollment
You will need to fill out a separate application for each student. Enrollment fees are not collected online.
Transfer students wanting to enroll for the 2024-2025 Spring semester will need to contact the front office for a paper application. Please call (940) 328-1333 or email Mrs. Desiree Wheaton -
Enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year is NOW OPEN! Please click the link for the application below. Contact the front office for any questions.
Community Christian School
Enrollment Procedure Check List
- Complete all ONLINE enrollment forms (link above) and pay $222 Registration Fee
CCS Application for Admission
- Medication form
- Pick up list
- Emergency contact list
- Parent agreement
- Partnership agreement (grade 7 and up)
- Letter of Reference (High School students only)
- Other school records:
- Most recent report card
- Test scores
- Copy of:
- Birth certificate
- Social security card
- Shot records
Students cannot be enrolled without a copy of the above.
2. Complete financial aid forms, if applicable, and provide a copy of your previous year’s Income Tax Form. The administrator will meet with the finance committee during the summer. You will be contacted as to their decision.
3. Schedule student screening:
- New students in K4 and K5 will be called during the summer to schedule Gesell screenings.
- New students in 4-8th will be scheduled to take a standardized test.
Testing fee: $60.00
Testing and screening fees must be paid prior to test being given (cash or check only).
Upon completion of screening/testing, the office will schedule an appointment with the parents to discuss results with the administrator.